Research and Experiments
Ttile of the Most Recent Research:
Improving Foreign Language Acquisition Through the Use of Colors and Reinforcement
نتائج المشاركين
عنوان البحث الحالي
تحسين اكتساب اللغة الأجنبية من خلال استخدام الألوان ومبدأ التعزيز السلوكي
Findings from the Research
نتائج المشاركين في النشاطات البحثية
Within the scope of this study, and due to the significant impact of the surrounding environment on the development of individuals' first and second languages, a group of students from the Hashemite University embark on a mesmerizing exploratory journey. Their objective is to look for and collect English vocabulary within specific conditions that are based on established scientific theories. This research is conducted within an interactive, applied, and enjoyable context.
لأن تأثير البيئة المحيطة بالأشخاص على تطور لغتهم الأولى والثانية كبير جدًا، يقوم مجموعة من طلبة الجامعة الهاشمية خلال هذه الدراسة بسبر أغوار محيطهم، باحثين عن كلمات إنجليزية ضمن شروط محددة تستند إلى نظريات علمية وُضعت قيد الدرس في سياق تفاعلي وتطبيقي وممتع في نفس الوقت.
Participants' Activities
Slide Show
Top Achievers
Ms. REEM NAWWAS | Medical Labs
Ms. MAYSAM SAMARA | Medical Labs
Ms. SALWA MRYYAN | Pharmacy
Under-performers of Week One
M A - Pharmacy
B Z - Pharmacy
M H - Pharmacy
H A - Nursing
M A - Medical Labs
H M - Pharmacy
Under-performers of Week Two
R S - Pharmacy
M a S - Pharmacy
Z O - Pharmacy
A K - Nursing
M A - Medical Labs
H A - Nursing
Under-performers of Week Three
D K - Pharmacy
V a D - Pharmacy
B Z - Pharmacy
S K - Medicine
M H - Pharmacy
Q M - Medical Labs
R Q - Medical Labs
R S - Pharmacy
M a S - Pharmacy
Z O - Pharmacy
A H - Pharmacy
A K - Nursing
R H - Pharmacy
H A - Nursing
Under-performers of Week Four
H A - Nursing
R H - Pharmacy
A K - Nursing
A H - Nursing
M a S - Pharmacy
B Gh - Pharmacy
Z O - Pharmacy
.Research Diagrams
Diagram 1 - Study Design Flowchart
Diagram 2 - Timeline of Interventions
Diagram 3 - Cognitive Model of CEAP and ILEDC
Diagram 4 - CEAP Process Diagram
Diagram 5 - Encoding Variability Aspects in the Intervention Design
.Research Tables and Figures
Figure 1- Histogram of the Ages of All Participants
Table 1 - Analysis of Mean and SD Differences by Gender in Treatment Group
Research Files and Folders
Research Findings
Improving Foreign Language Acquisition Through the Use of Colors and Reinforcement
Final Research Findings (Will Be Published Soon)
تحسين اكتساب اللغة الأجنبية من خلال استخدام الألوان ومبدأ التعزيز السلوكي
نتائج البحث (ستنشر قريبًا)
Ethical Disclaimer
Participants in our study have given consent for their full names to be used on completed assignments and name initials on incomplete ones. All personal information is treated with confidentiality and in compliance with data protection and scientific research regulations.